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Product and Service Cost and Strategy

Product and Service Cost and Strategy

Analyze your product


Analyzing your product complexity will give you a better picture of its cost, its complexity and its associated generated revenu.

Externalisation strategy

Externalization is an activity transferred or developed by an external supplier

  • Externalization shall make sense regarding the proposed value
  • An externalization shall never come with a cost increase
  • Externalization only on function non strategic
  • Externalisation doesn’t mean depend from your supplier, any supplier shall be able to perform the same tasks 
  • If an externalisation is unique in technology or in service, strong contract shall be in place and think about acquiring the company when possible.

Integration strategy

Integration strategy is the acquisition of supplier to reinforce the company activity process deemed essential to business continuity:

      • To secure related supply parts or activities
      • To have better process control (price, Mfg lead time)
      • To improved product or service and therefore its quality
      • To have competitive advantage

Make or Buy strategy



I am a French guy passionate of technology and Business strategy. I use my experience to share with people, some key elements that can help them in their business. Hope you will enjoy the articles and please don't hesitate to provide your experience and feedback to improve the content of this website.

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